GA Cannabis Industry Alliance

Urgent: Demand to Deschedule Marijuana Immediately



The FDA’s endorsement of rescheduling marijuana from Class 1 to Class III has triggered an urgent Call to Action by the GA Cannabis Industry Alliance, urging for the immediate DE scheduling of marijuana.


It is the right of citizens to advocate for changes in drug policy, including the DE scheduling of marijuana. Contact the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other key government officials to express your views and influence policy decisions. It is crucial to be informed, respectful, yet assertive in your communication to ensure your message is taken seriously.


The time for action is now! If you agree that marijuana should not be classified under the DEA Schedule, it is time to mobilize and demand the removal of marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).


This necessary step could lead to the end of the outdated prohibition on marijuana and halt the unnecessary arrests of marijuana users.

What Can You Do? 

Write Letters: We urge you to pen heartfelt letters to the following agencies, demanding immediate action:

Your Representatives: Reach out to your local representatives and senators. Let them know that descheduling marijuana is a priority for you.

The DEA: The Drug Enforcement Administration plays a pivotal role in drug scheduling decisions.

The FDA: The Food and Drug Administration’s input matters.
The HHS: The Department of Health and Human Services also influences drug policy.

The DOJ: The Department of Justice oversees drug enforcement.

The White House: Make your voice heard at the highest level.

Use the FORM LETTER below comprised by the GA CIA for you to email to as many deciding voices on this issue as you choose.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Organization/Agency Name]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],


I am writing to express my strong support for the descheduling of marijuana and to urge you to recommend the removal of marijuana from the list of controlled substances. As a concerned citizen, I believe that descheduling marijuana is a crucial step towards realizing a more just and effective drug policy.

There are numerous benefits to descheduling marijuana. First and foremost, descheduling would help address social and racial disparities in drug enforcement. Current marijuana laws disproportionately impact communities of color, leading to unjust incarceration rates and perpetuating systemic inequalities. Descheduling marijuana would help rectify these injustices and promote equity in our criminal justice system.

Furthermore, descheduling marijuana would allow for expanded research opportunities to better understand the potential medical benefits of cannabis. Many individuals rely on marijuana for medicinal purposes, and descheduling would facilitate increased scientific exploration of its therapeutic properties. This could lead to the development of new treatments and therapies that could improve the health and well-being of countless individuals.

Additionally, descheduling marijuana would enable states to implement their own marijuana regulations without interference from federal authorities. This would foster innovation and experimentation at the state level, allowing for more tailored approaches to marijuana policy that reflect the diverse needs and values of local communities.

In light of these compelling reasons, I urge you to take action on descheduling marijuana. By recommending the removal of marijuana from the list of controlled substances, you can help advance a more humane, evidence-based, and equitable approach to drug policy in our country.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to seeing positive steps towards descheduling marijuana and promoting a more just and compassionate drug policy.


[Your Name]


Please feel free to personalize this letter with specific details or anecdotes to make it more impactful and reflective of your own perspective and experiences.