GA Cannabis Industry Alliance

Moving Forward: Questions to Ask Yourself in Advocating for Marijuana Decriminalization in Georgia

Moving Forward: Questions to Ask Yourself in Advocating for Marijuana Decriminalization in Georgia

As we continue to advocate for the decriminalization of marijuana, it’s important to reflect on what we’ve done with the information and tools we’ve been provided. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help move this issue forward:
  1. Have you educated yourself on the current laws and regulations regarding marijuana in your state and at the federal level? Understanding the legal landscape is crucial in advocating for change.
  2. Have you engaged with your local representatives and policymakers to express your support for marijuana decriminalization? Contacting your elected officials and sharing your perspective can make a difference.
  3. Have you participated in community events or rallies to raise awareness about the benefits of marijuana and the need for reform? Joining forces with like-minded individuals can amplify our message and create momentum for change.
  4. Have you supported organizations or initiatives that are working towards marijuana decriminalization? Donating time, money, or resources to these causes can help make a tangible impact.
  5. Have you continued to educate yourself and others on the scientific and public health perspectives of marijuana use? Staying informed and sharing accurate information can help combat misinformation and stigma about cannabis/marijuana.

By asking yourself these questions and taking action, we can work towards a future where marijuana is decriminalized and its benefits are accessible to all. Thank you for your continued support in this important cause.

In Solidarity,
Theresa Yarbrough
Founder and Director of the Georgia Cannabis Industry Alliance